Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

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Post Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:48 pm

Re: Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

I don't remember many of my dreams. But vividly remember this dream from my childhood where im standing in my backyard, from behind my black bar fence and looking out on the entire city being engulfed in this warm light and flame, watching as the flickering fingers of fire dance across rooftops and pour into the streets. I distinctly remember reaching out and touching the flame and it feeling like...well the way I would describe it at the time would be it felt like Gak. I could push and splash it around like a weird sort of non-Newtonian fluid-plasma, and it made my fingers tingle instead of burn. Its one of the only dreams I remember as a kid. Beats me on the symbolism.

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Post Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:13 pm

Re: Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

Scary scene Bengarr! :o

Some detail on that crazy dream Taron! Floating or flying may often depict a need to garner self-control, or emotional stability.
Often, being overwhelmed by responsibilities. ....your dream could also represent the monumental task and benefit of Verve! ;)

I also had a dream prior to the tsunami in Japan... Myself, along with others, were walking down a seaside road and we were confronted by a 50' wall of wave-water going in slow motion.
It was transparent and you could see people, cars and boats floating in it.

Now the dreams I will never paint about are the ones I had just prior to 9/11. They are too real and too personal (and definitely before,) and are my witness that our ape-like minds are not the blobs of electrified jelly locked in a bone compartment many empirical-thinkers claim it to be. I cannot deny the existence of external intervention.

I also dream a lot about different spiders... those irk me, so no, don't wish to paint any quite yet. :shock:
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Post Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:30 pm

Re: Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

Very cool, bengarrr! It's really fun to share those dreams besides those inspiring paintings, really. I'm sure we've all had some massive dreams at some point that we just won't ever forget.

Mike, I was talking about the big tsunami in the early 2000s...was 2003? And the floating dream was also around 2006ish, I think, long before Verve, but responsibility I've carried a lot of for more than the last 2 that does make a lot of sense! I love that interpretation. I should add that I loved that dream, too, really filled me with joy. Most of my dreams do, even the really spooky ones, hahaha. Rarely ever do I have dreams I really dislike, but then I mostly know when I'm dreaming and decide whether I keep on going or just snap out of it.

Weeeeee...spiders, yep...that could make a nice topic :twisted: !!! :lol: ...therapeutically, of course! ;)
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Post Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:37 pm

Re: Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

Hi all. :D Amazing entries here! I loved reading what you dreamt of. It's like taking a peek into your soul that way. :D I just love it! We should do that more often imho. Haha!

Ok lemme explain, I had a cool dream while I was on vacation and all I had with me was my tablet and lovely Clover Paint (I told Taron if he had it for android, I'd have used that instead haha) so I painted it down. I knew there was a topic here as well, but like I said earlier, I only had Clover Paint.

So.. when I got back home and got more settled down, I decided to repeat it in Verve and see how it goes. :D Only thing I miss is that "rougher" blending feature with Verve, it seems to be either no blending or too much blending even if I have full blending on and Opacity on. I kinda like what Clover Paint did with blending, gives it a rougher feeling, but no matter, it's good to see the difference. :D Enough said...

Anyways, my dream was about being in a train and every time it stopped, the nature would grow inside it, beautiful moss, with little water streams and leaves growing everywhere in the golden sunlight. And there was a particular scene that made me think, "This is my Life Metaphor!" so I tried to take a picture of it with my camera. Unfortunately its lens was extremely dirty so nothing really came out. I struggled til the train started moving and the nature disappeared as if nothing has happened. :( Woke up and knew I had to paint it down so I can have my "picture" down either way. It was a beautiful scene.

Here are my two pieces so you can compare. :D

Original (Clover Paint)

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Post Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:08 pm

Re: Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

Hmmm...I tend to think it's a matter of figuring out how to pursue different styles...not sure. I'd have to see what you mean in action, I believe. If there was a way for you to do a little clip, that would be very cool?!
Other than that: DELICIOUS PAINTINGS with both apps! :D
Very nice motive and it sounds like a wonderful dream, too! Seems like nature becomes invisible in our domestication, blinded by the pace of modern life, but given just the slightest chance it reveals itself even within each of us as, if only we stop for a moment. The absence of life is nothing but a bad dream and we need only linger to be fused again with a reality of pure beauty.
It also has a bit of an apocalyptic feel to it, of course, in the friendliest way. :)

Very cool!
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Post Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:17 pm

Re: Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

Thank you Taron! I love your interpretation of my dream! I actually have a similar thought of being blinded by the pace of modern life and such. :D I'll try to do a little clip next time - I'm not sure how it'll turn out though. :P
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Post Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:34 pm

Re: Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

I must tell you, you should experiment with the smudge settings and such and you can quickly get how ever rough or fine you want! 8-)
I just did a little test and... you should find your way around that.
Try putting the fluid smudge value to around 25%. Set the fluid sharpness to 0% and Fluidity at 10% to 20%. Keep the pen pressure for opacity OFF. Fill the canvas first with your choice of background color, of course, or what ever you'd like to work from do your thing as coarse as you like! :twisted: works great and feels kind of stunning. You can literally mix your colors on your painting, kind of like putting a dash of red where you want to warm it up and smudge it bit- but not too much- until you like it...pick it or do the same at the next place you want to change. And so on. It's really kind of amazing. I should record another video for sure! It's kind of a job for Chat, who's amazing at that.
It's certainly a matter of getting into the groove, that's for sure. The moment you start "noodling", things will get soft. You can rough them up again, too, of course.

Anyway, I still would like to know what you mean so I can see, if there's anything I can or should do, you know. It's all still a wide open book! :)
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Post Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:49 pm

Re: Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

Thank you Taron, this suggestion worked! It gave me more control over what I wanted to do, rather than using SHIFT+brush or SHIFT+CTRL brush to blend. I made a doodle piece based on that and have posted it in my sketchbook if you wanna take a look. :) I'll have to experiment some more before I can tell you what exactly I meant, but don't worry, your suggestion comes very close to what I was looking for!
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Post Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:47 pm

Re: Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

The God of Birds,

I'm a little bit sorry, because the head and the egg/bird did tangent the Imageboarder, its bad ... i know, but the image was without a concept and only some play ... :D ... bad I did see after that a head an an egg and a bird/chicken :lol:

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Post Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:11 pm

Re: Sketch #000015 - "Dream Symbolism"

I can understand the dream like vision in it! No worries there! Looks cool! 8-)
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