Hi all.

Amazing entries here! I loved reading what you dreamt of. It's like taking a peek into your soul that way.

I just love it! We should do that more often imho. Haha!
Ok lemme explain, I had a cool dream while I was on vacation and all I had with me was my tablet and lovely Clover Paint (I told Taron if he had it for android, I'd have used that instead haha) so I painted it down. I knew there was a topic here as well, but like I said earlier, I only had Clover Paint.
So.. when I got back home and got more settled down, I decided to repeat it in Verve and see how it goes.

Only thing I miss is that "rougher" blending feature with Verve, it seems to be either no blending or too much blending even if I have full blending on and Opacity on. I kinda like what Clover Paint did with blending, gives it a rougher feeling, but no matter, it's good to see the difference.

Enough said...
Anyways, my dream was about being in a train and every time it stopped, the nature would grow inside it, beautiful moss, with little water streams and leaves growing everywhere in the golden sunlight. And there was a particular scene that made me think, "This is my Life Metaphor!" so I tried to take a picture of it with my camera. Unfortunately its lens was extremely dirty so nothing really came out. I struggled til the train started moving and the nature disappeared as if nothing has happened.

Woke up and knew I had to paint it down so I can have my "picture" down either way. It was a beautiful scene.
Here are my two pieces so you can compare.

Original (Clover Paint)
